Edward Albee

  • 网络爱德华·阿尔比;爱德华•阿尔比;爱德华·艾比;美国剧作家阿尔比
Edward AlbeeEdward Albee
  1. The American dream written by Edward albee , a leading figure of the new drama of the absurd , depicts , by means of symbols and metaphors , the dream of the Americans and even the human beings and their disllusion .


  2. Modern People 's Abnormal Mentality Reflected in Edward Albee 's Three Plays


  3. Edward Albee is an outstanding playwright in American drama circle .


  4. The Battle of the Sexes in Edward Albee ′ s Major Plays ;


  5. Reality in Absurdity Affirmative in Desperation & On Edward Albee s The Zoo Story ;


  6. Edward Albee is the only playwright who has introduced The Theatre of the Absurd into American theatres .


  7. Edward Albee 's play The Zoo Story is compared in the discussion to a symphony , one that bears the structural feature of theme music and some features of program music .


  8. Under the influence of European play of the absurd , Edward Albee , an American playwright combined the American social reality with the techniques of European absurd play and created the absurd play with American characteristics .


  9. For their roles in Edward Albee 's Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ?, Burton and Taylor for the first time in their careers dared to appear as unglamorous , disheveled and overweight characters .
